November 8, 2017

Java JSSE Default Truststore

"Creating an X509TrustManager

You can either implement this interface directly yourself or obtain one from a provider-based TrustManagerFactory (such as that supplied by the SunJSSE provider). You could also implement your own interface that delegates to a factory-generated trust manager. For example, you might do this to filter the resulting trust decisions and query an end-user through a graphical user interface.

Note: If a null KeyStore parameter is passed to the SunJSSE PKIX or SunX509 TrustManagerFactory, then the factory uses the following process to try to find trust material:

  1. If the property is defined, then the TrustManagerFactory attempts to find a file using the file name specified by that system property, and uses that file for the KeyStore parameter. If system property is also defined, then its value is used to check the integrity of the data in the truststore before opening it.
    If the property is defined but the specified file does not exist, then a default TrustManager using an empty keystore is created.
  2. If the system property was not specified, then:
    • if the file java-home/lib/security/jssecacerts exists, that file is used;
    • if the file java-home/lib/security/cacerts exists, that file is used;
    • if neither of these files exists, then the SSL cipher suite is anonymous, does not perform any authentication, and thus does not need a truststore."

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